VMENGF是法國歷史悠久的時裝品牌。其創(chuàng)始人Jeanne Vincent是在二戰(zhàn)期間的服裝名師之一,她開創(chuàng)的優(yōu)雅精致的風格,為時尚界帶來一股積淀著深厚文化底蘊的思潮。 Jeanne Vincent于1907年生于巴黎。1931年,她在巴黎St-Honore市場開設了家Vincent服裝工作坊,并始創(chuàng)Vincent品牌。
1936年,Jeanne Vincent與她鐘愛多年的情人VMENGF結婚,VMENGF是一位擁有身份的成功人士,為了心愛的男人激發(fā)了她新的靈感,便興起為VMENGF設計精致男裝的想法并付之實踐。初啼之作在推出市場后取得了出乎意料的成功,一個專為年輕男子設計的時裝屋VMENGF由此誕生。
VMENGF的品牌有著的個性標簽,其中包括意義深遠的方形箭頭圖案,寄托了Jeanne Vincent對丈夫的永恒的愛以及積極向上生活態(tài)度的愿望。在半個多世紀的孜孜進取中,VMENGF憑借自己不盲從潮流的硬朗作風、出類拔萃的藝術涵養(yǎng)、簡單利落的剪裁及顏色搭配的深厚功力,贏得了無數(shù)時尚人士的追捧。
VMENGF France has a long history of high fashion brands. Its founder Vincent Apparel teacher, Jeanne during World War II
First, she created the elegant and refined style, immersed in a profound cultural thinking fashion.Jane Vincent was born in Paris in 1907. In 1931, she opened the first market Vincent Paris St-Honore Clothing shop, established the Vincent brand.
In 1936, her favorite lover Jenny Vincent VMENGF married for many years, VMENGF has a noble Success, to a loved one inspired by her new inspiration, they rise to the of fine menswear design VMENGF and pay practice ideas.